Latest solar radio flux report from DRAO, Penticton

Flux Density Values in sfu for 2024-10-21 at 23:00
Julian Day Number2460605.447
Carrington Rotation Number2290.180
Observed Flux Density165.2
Flux Density Adjusted for 1 A.U.163.6
URSI Series D Flux, Adj. x 0.9147.3

This measurement has been derived, processed and transmitted automatically. In case of questions, please contact us as below:

Staff are available at the Observatory between 16:30 and 01:00 UT. The Observatory is normally unmanned on weekends and holidays.

The Solar Radio Monitoring Program
is operated jointly by the
National Research Council Canada
and Natural Resources Canada
with support from the Canadian Space Agency

For more information about the National Research Council Canada and the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, (Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory) please see us at For information about the Canadian Space Agency please visit

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