Quicklook summary

Geomagnetic Activity

Current Conditions 24 Hour Forecast 24 to 48 Hour Forecast

Current Conditions
at 2024-10-22 13:30 UT

  • Polar: quiet
  • Auroral: unsettled
  • Sub-auroral: quiet

24 Hour Forecast

  • Polar: quiet + unsettled intervals
  • Auroral: quiet + unsettled intervals
  • Sub-auroral: quiet


Due to resource optimization, we plan to discontinue the Geostationary Satellite Environment product (energetic electron fluence). For your comments, please contact space_weather-meteo_spatiale@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca

Geostationary Satellite Environment

Current Conditions Day 1 Forecast Day 2 Forecast

Current Conditions are unavailable

  • Energetic electron fluence
    at geostationary orbit: unavailable

Day 1 Forecast

  • Energetic electron fluence
    at geostationary orbit: unavailable

Energetic Electron Fluence

Energetic Electron Fluence image

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